general,editorial,commentary,hacker B. Machrone FROM THE EDITOR'S SCREEN - "An Identity Crisis In Every PC" PC Mag 84/02a Feb v.3 n.2 69PC editor asks the question: "Who's in charge here?" and attemptsto define the word "hacker".
Atari,Commodore,software,IBM PC,PCjr PC NEWS - "Commodore, Atari Join Software Game" PC Mag 84/03b Mar v.3 n.5 49Atari and Commodore have decided to capitalize on their names andto offer software for other manufacturers' computers (including the IBM PC and PCjr).
general,editorial,commentary B. Machrone FROM THE EDITOR'S SCREEN - "A New Year And A New Look" PC Mag 84/01b Jan v.3 n.1 69The new editor of PC Magazine discusses changes in the magazine.
help,Q&A,DOS,screen,clear,bug,correction,typo LETTERS TO PC PC Mag 84/01b Jan v.3 n.1 751)DOS 1.1 screen clear (CLS)/correction to correction given in PC 2,#5, p.53, 2)Corrections to typo's in "Battle of the Network Stars", PC 2,#6.
general,editorial,commentary,security,protection,theft J. Bloombecker GUEST EDITORIAL - "Conscience In Computing" PC Mag 84/01b Jan v.3 n.1 99Commentary on computer security and theft.
IBM PCjr,home,business,computer,Janus,review P. Norton THE NORTON CHRONICLES - "The Two Faces of PCjr" PC Mag 84/01b Jan v.3 n.1 109The PCjr is considered from two viewpoints: the home computer setting, and the business/work environment. Norton uses Janus, the two-faced Roman god, as a symbolic code name for the PCjr.
IBM PCjr,PC-XT/370,3270-PC M. Edelhart "Meet The New Members" PC Mag 84/01b Jan v.3 n.1 126Short introduction to subsequent articles in this issue that explore the three latest additions to the IBM PC family: the PCjrthe PC-XT/370, and the 3270-PC.
IBM PCjr,review,color,video,memory P. Norton "Screening the PCjr's Color, Video, And Memory Options" PC Mag 84/01b Jan v.3 n.1 128Review of the IBM PCjr.
IBM PCjr,cartridge,memory,review P. Norton "Cartridge Magic: PCjr's New Memory" PC Mag 84/01b Jan v.3 n.1 133Explanation of the purpose and use of the two cartridge slots on the IBM PCjr (short review).
IBM PCjr,sound,audio,review P. Norton "Sound Abilities: The PCjr" PC Mag 84/01b Jan v.3 n.1 137Review of the sound-making capabilities of the IBM PCjr.
IBM PCjr,games,review,insert P. Wiswell "Coming Soon: Games For The PCjr" PC Mag 84/01b Jan v.3 n.1 142Review of games that will soon be available for the IBM PCjr. [Also, insert article by P. Norton entitled "Developing PCjr Software"].
IBM PCjr,compatibility,IBM PC,PC-XT,insert P. Norton "Developing PCjr Software" PC Mag 84/01b Jan v.3 n.1 144Insert in "Coming Soon: Games For The PCjr" by P. Wiswell, this article discusses the nearly 100 percent compatibility between the PCjr and the IBM PC and PC-XT in terms of software.
IBM PC-XT/370,3270-PC,work station,mainframe,market,insert B. Machrone "The Mainframe Marketplace: XT/370 And 3270 PC" PC Mag 84/01b Jan v.3 n.1 146Overview of the work station marketplace and the role of the IBM PC-XT/370 and the 3270-PC in it. [Also, an insert article byC. Winkler entitled "New Rules In the Mainframe Game"].
IBM PC-XT/370,3270-PC,work station,mainframe,market,insert C. Winkler "New Rules In The Mainframe Game" PC Mag 84/01b Jan v.3 n.1 149Insert in "The Mainframe Marketplace: XT/370 And 3270 PC" by B. Machrone, this article discusses how IBM has moved the target for hardware and software developers (end of open architecture?).
IBM PC-XT/370,mainframe, virtual machine,VM/PC,overview C. Daney "The XT/370: A Technical Overview" PC Mag 84/01b Jan v.3 n.1 151Discussion of the concept of VM ("virtual machine") and main- frame computers, and its extension to the IBM PC-XT (i.e., VM/PC).
privacy,invasion,commentary,law,legal,ACLU D. J. Samuels "Computer Scan: No Place To Hide" PC Mag 84/01b Jan v.3 n.1 162Commentary on "invasion of privacy" by a former executive director of the New York American Civil Liberties Union.
privacy,invasion,surveilance,Orwell,1984,ACLU,legal,commentary J. Bloombecker "Friend & Foe: Computers In 1984" PC Mag 84/01b Jan v.3 n.1 172Commentary on invasion of privacy and electronic surveilance withparticular reference to Orwell's novel: 1984. Also, ways in which computers may help protect against totalitarianism.
commentary,Orient,Hong Kong,theft,piracy,IBM PC lookalikes M. Porter "PC Piracy: Growing By Leaps And Boundaries" PC Mag 84/01b Jan v.3 n.1 184Commentary on how the Orient threatens to become a bargain bonanza of PC lookalikes.
handicapped,keyboard,BASIC,HANDICAP.COM,tutorial J. Socha "For The Handicapped: Toggling Shift Keys" PC Mag 84/01b Jan v.3 n.1 198Short BASIC program is given for building a code called HANDICAP.COM, which gives handicapped users greater access to theIBM PC keyboard.
Mailing List Manager,Personal Mailer,Name/Address Mailing,review D. Burns "An End To Mailing List Madness" PC Mag 84/01b Jan v.3 n.1 209Review of three packages: Mailing List Manager (by Peachtree), Personal Mailer (by Computer Age of SF), and Name/Address Mailing(by McCullar Microcomputing).
Dwan Typography,interview,typesetting,manuals S. Wolbarst "A PC In the Type Shop: Better Than Dedicated" PC Mag 84/01b Jan v.3 n.1 214Interview with Rebecca and Kevin Dwan, owners of Dwan Typography,a company that uses PCs as typesetting input devices to produce manuals for software publishers.
Business BASIC,BI-286,Control-C Software,review,overview D. Whitehouse "Doing Business With BASIC" PC Mag 84/01b Jan v.3 n.1 241Overview of Business BASIC and a review of BI-286 (by Control-C Software).
rock and roll,band,music,compatible M. Porter and C. D'Angeles "IBM PC Rocks And Rolls" PC Mag 84/01b Jan v.3 n.1 252A look at how tour managers for rock and roll bands use PCs and compatibles in the office and on the road.
Second Wind,AL-2000,Data Logger,Altamont Pass,windmill,analysis J. Brann "The PC Analyzes The Wind" PC Mag 84/01b Jan v.3 n.1 260Use of the IBM PC by a company called Second Wind to analyze dataobtained with their AL-2000 Wind Resource Data Logger. Special application to the Altamont Pass windmill farm is discussed.
StatPac,Walonick Associates,statistical,numerical,review,insert R. S. Lee "Adding It Up With StatPac" PC Mag 84/01b Jan v.3 n.1 271Review of the statistical analysis package called StatPac (by Walonick Associates). [Also, an insert by author entitled "A Glossary of Statistical Terms"].
statistical,glossary,lingo,jargon,insert,numerical R. S. Lee "A Glossary of Statistical Terms" PC Mag 84/01b Jan v.3 n.1 274Insert in "Adding It Up With StatPac" by author, gives a simple word guide (glossary) to help you master the statistical lingo.
picture,tour,IBM Gallery of Science and Art,museum,history J. Langdell "Inside The IBM Museum" PC Mag 84/01b Jan v.3 n.1 285Pictorial tour of the IBM Gallery of Science and Art, which showcases works of art and scientific exhibits from computer history.
book,excerpt,VisiCalc,spreadsheet,business,tutorial R. E. Clark "A VisiCalc Start-Up Planner" PC Mag 84/01b Jan v.3 n.1 289Excerpt from the author's book: EXECUTIVE VISICALC FOR THE IBM PERSONAL COMPUTER (Addison-Wesley).
Fancy Font,SoftCraft,Epson,printer,review R. H. Zander "Fancy Printing With Fancy Font" PC Mag 84/01b Jan v.3 n.1 299Review of the software package called Fancy Font (by SoftCraft), which can transform the Epson printer into an advanced dot matrixprinter.
finance,money,bank,stock,market,Irving Trust,E. F. Hutton,review L. Harbatkin "Financial Services You Can Bank On" PC Mag 84/01b Jan v.3 n.1 311Review of two new on-line systems (Irving Trust and E. F. Hutton)that are available to PC owners---for transferring of funds, balancing checkbooks, and dabbling in the stock market.
document,manual,author,writer,advice,appearance S. Armbrust "Software With Manual Appeal" PC Mag 84/01b Jan v.3 n.1 329Technical writer gives advice for upgrading the appearance of documentation.
keyboard,Qwerty,Dvorak,SureStroke,Key Tronic,Seasoned Systems G. M. Kaplan "Bye-Bye Qwerty" PC Mag 84/01b Jan v.3 n.1 338A discussion of the two types of keyboards, Qwerty and Dvorak. Two Dvorak software products are also quickly reviewed: IBM PC Dvorak Keyboard (by Key Tronic) and SureStroke (Seasoned Systems)
MailMerge,MicroPro,word processor,printer,insert,WordStar D. Burns and S. Venit "The Hidden Talents Of MailMerge" PC Mag 84/01b Jan v.3 n.1 353Review of MailMerge (by MicroPro) with emphasis on the program's capabilities in word processing and printing. [Also, an insert by authors entitled "Changing The Dot Command Dot"].
MailMerge,MicroPro,word processor,insert,WordStar,dot,patch D. Burns and S. Venit "Changing The Dot Command Dot" PC Mag 84/01b Jan v.3 n.1 358Insert in "The Hidden Talents Of MailMerge" by authors, provides a method of getting around the somewhat inhibiting "dot" command.
pfs:software,family,integrated,review F. J. Derfler, Jr. "Software Family Dynamics" PC Mag 84/01b Jan v.3 n.1 363Assuming that family integration on some level is an important factor in modern software development, the author takes a look atthe `pfs:software' programs (by Software Publishing Corp.).
general,editorial,commentary,Orwell,1984,book C. Sandler SANDLER'S SCREEN - "Making Peace With 1984" PC Mag 84/01b Jan v.3 n.1 381General commentary on computers and Orwell's book: 1984.
game,One Hundred And One Monochrome Mazes,IBM,review S. Manes PC ARCADE - "It's Not Easy Being Green" PC Mag 84/01b Jan v.3 n.1 391Review of the game: One Hundred And One Monochrome Mazes (by IBM Corporation).
book,review,communication S. Earle and L. Ellen BOOK REVIEW - "Living And Communicating" PC Mag 84/01b Jan v.3 n.1 399Review of the books: 1) M. Crichton, ELECTRONIC LIFE (Knopf, 1983), and 2) A. Glossbrenner, THE COMPLETE HANDBOOK OF PERSONAL COMPUTER COMMUNICATIONS (St. Martin's Press, 1983).
Notebook,Footnote,Bibliography,Pro/Tem,integrated,DBM,review B. Pfaffenberger "The Researcher's Assistant" PC Mag 84/01b Jan v.3 n.1 409Review of the integrated group of software programs from Pro/Tem Software: Notebook, Footnote, and Bibliography.
Engineering Software Exchange,ESE,newsletter,software,interview N. Basta "Engineering Software Exchange" PC Mag 84/01b Jan v.3 n.1 413Interview with the owners of the Engineering Software Exchange (ESE), a newsletter aimed at helping engineers sort through software.
Draft-Aide,United Networking Systems,CAD,review S. B. Gray "Stepping Up To Draft-Aide" PC Mag 84/01b Jan v.3 n.1 421Review of Draft-Aide (by United Networking Systems), a family of programs aimed at addressing every level of drafting interest andexpertise.
E-Book,medicine,patient,record,DBM K. M. Hepler, M.D. "The Doctor's Experience" PC Mag 84/01b Jan v.3 n.1 427Author explains the value of computerizing patient records in a database called an E-Book ("experiences" with patients).
Mini-Ledger,Paradigm Consultants,accounting,office,review S. Perkins "Maxi-Value From A Mini-Ledger" PC Mag 84/01b Jan v.3 n.1 433Review of Mini-Ledger (by Paradigm Consultants).
help,Q&A,ROM,version,date,COLOR.COM,ESC.COM,display P. Somerson (Editor) USER-TO-USER PC Mag 84/01b Jan v.3 n.1 4691)How to tell the version date of your motherboard ROM, 2) Two short programs are given for changing or setting colors in DOS.
help,Q&A,cursor,DOS,root directory,WordStar,printer,communicationM. Zachmann PC TUTOR PC Mag 84/01b Jan v.3 n.1 5091)Increasing the size of the cursor, 2)Root directory is limited to 512 files on the XT, 3)Top of form with WordStar, 4)Cable problem/slow printing, 5)Inadvertant communication disconnects.
FORTRAN,language,history,overview J. R. Wilschke "Grandfather FORTRAN" PC Mag 84/01b Jan v.3 n.1 521Overview of FORTRAN with historical remarks and a discussion of its programming features.
magazine,Real Times,IBM PC Gazette,Source,communication,review A. Glossbrenner "The Source For Magazines" PC Mag 84/01b Jan v.3 n.1 525Review of two electronic magazines: 1) Real Times and 2) IBM PC Gazette. Both are available to Source subscribers through an option called "User Publishing".
law,legal,copyright,protect,pirate,integrated circuit,IC,templateS. Becker "Stopping The Mask Pirates" PC Mag 84/01b Jan v.3 n.1 531Overview of congressional legislation now being considered that will extend existing copyright protection to the templates used by integrated circuit manufacturers.
help,Q&A,APL,typo,correction LETTERS TO PC PC Mag 84/02a Feb v.3 n.2 75Typo error (and correction) in APL article (PC, v.2, n.5, p.369).
general,commentary,editorial,microprocessor,history,future S. Libes GUEST EDITORIAL - "Coming of Age Together" PC Mag 84/02a Feb v.3 n.2 99Author reviews past experience to demonstrate that the develop- ment of the personal computer industry can largely be traced to improvements in microprocessors.
DOS 2.0,subdirectory,file,I/O,tutorial P. Norton THE NORTON CHRONICLES - "Subdirectories In DOS 2.0" PC Mag 84/02a Feb v.3 n.2 111Even though a subdirectory is stored the same way as a file underDOS 2.0, there are obstacles preventing a program from reading and writing to it. An explanation is given.
dBASE II,Ashton-Tate,DBM,tutorial,insert G. A. Hart "The ABCs Of dBASE II" PC Mag 84/02a Feb v.3 n.2 114Tutorial overview of dBASE II. [Also, an insert by W. G. Barker entitled "The dBASE II-BASIC Connection"].
dBASE II,Ashton-Tate,DBM,BASIC,tutorial,insert W. G. Barker "The dBASE II-BASIC Connection" PC Mag 84/02a Feb v.3 n.2 118Insert in "The ABCs Of dBASE II" by G. A. Hart, this insert ex- plains the similarities of dBASE II and BASIC.
dBASE II,Ashton-Tate,tip,DBM,tutorial G. A. Hart and T. F. Pike "Advanced dBASE II Programming Tips" PC Mag 84/02a Feb v.3 n.2 125Tutorial on how to take advantage of dBASE II's strengths and howto work around its weaknesses.
interview,Wayne Ratliff,dBASE II,Ashton-Tate,DBM D. B. Powell "From Basement To Boardroom" PC Mag 84/02a Feb v.3 n.2 131Interview with Wayne Ratliff, the author of dBASE II.
dBASE II,Ashton-Tate,application,DBM B. Krasnoff "The Many Faces Of dBASE II" PC Mag 84/02a Feb v.3 n.2 136Author gives many examples of dBASE II use.
dBASE II,Champion,dNames,DBM,mail,accounting,review,insert D. Layman "A New Breed Of Applications" PC Mag 84/02a Feb v.3 n.2 142Reviews of specific software applications written in dBASE II: The Champion (Champion Software) and dNames (Data Base Solutions)[Also, insert entitled "All Aboard at Application Junction].
dBASE II,DBM,Ashton-Tate,Application Junction,catalog,insert D. Layman "All Aboard at Application Junction" PC Mag 84/02a Feb v.3 n.2 144Insert in "A New Breed Of Applications" by author, gives a sam- pling of Ashton-Tate's catalog of over 700 application programs (called Application Junction).
dBASE II,Autocode I,WINDOW,QUICKCODE,DBM,review R. Webster "Three Easy Add-Ons For dBASE II" PC Mag 84/02a Feb v.3 n.2 147Review of three dBASE II programs: Autocode I (Axel Johnson Corp)dBASE WINDOW (Tylog Systems), and QUICKCODE (Fox & Geller).
Friday!,Ashton-Tate,file,manager,inventory,DBM,insert,review J. Woram "Spending The Weekend With Friday!" PC Mag 84/02a Feb v.3 n.2 159Review of the file manager program called Friday! (by Ashton- Tate). [Also, an insert by R. Webster entitled "Spending Your Workdays With Friday!"].
Friday!,Ashton-Tate,file,manager,inventory,DBM,insert,review R. Webster "Spending Your Workdays With Friday!" PC Mag 84/02a Feb v.3 n.2 164Insert in "Spending The Weekend With Friday!" by J. Woram, this article is another review of Friday! from the point of view of everyday use.
dBASE II,extender,dBRX,DB/RA,ABSTAT,DBPlus,dGRAPH,DBM,review J. D. Graham "Extenders: Pushing dBASE II To The Limit" PC Mag 84/02a Feb v.3 n.2 167Review of 5 "extender" programs for dBASE II: dBRX and DB/RA (GRYPHON Microproducts), ABSTAT (Anderson-Bell), DBPlus (Human- soft), and dGRAPH (Fox & Geller).
dBASE II,DBM,book,keyboard,template,cassette,insert,review W. K. Howard "Judging The Guides: Here Come dBASics" PC Mag 84/02a Feb v.3 n.2 171A list of instructional aids for dBASE II and a review of some of them. [Also, insert by author entitled "To Quote or Not to Quote"].
dBASE II,DBM,command,quotation mark,quote,insert W. K. Howard "To Quote or Not to Quote" PC Mag 84/02a Feb v.3 n.2 176Insert in "Judging The Guides: Here Come dBASics" by author, thisarticle discusses when a dBASE II command needs to be enclosed inquotation marks.
interview,George Tate,Ashton-Tate,insert M. Lynch "The Wizardry Of Ashton-Tate" PC Mag 84/02a Feb v.3 n.2 178Interview with one of the co-founders of Ashton-Tate, George Tate. [Also, insert by author entitled "Changing of the Guard atAshton-Tate"].
Ashton-Tate,George Tate,executive officer,change,insert M. Lynch "Changing of the Guard at Ashton-Tate" PC Mag 84/02a Feb v.3 n.2 180Insert in "The Wizardry Of Ashton-Tate" by author, this article examines George Tate's decision to step aside as chief executive officer to allow a young management professional to take over.
dBASE II,Adam Green,education,training,DBM,review L. Miner "Three Days With dBASE II" PC Mag 84/02a Feb v.3 n.2 185Review of the dBASE II course given by Adam Green.
dBASE II,DBM,education,training,guidelines,insert A. Green "Advice From The Master On Learning dBASE II" PC Mag 84/02a Feb v.3 n.2 189Teacher Adam Green gives some firm guidelines for evaluating potential dBASE II classes. [Also, an insert by author entitled "Food for Thought"].
dBASE II,DBM,education,training,diet,environment,equipment,insertA. Green "Food for Thought" PC Mag 84/02a Feb v.3 n.2 191Insert in "Advice From The Master On Learning dBASE II" by author, discusses equipment, diet, physical environment and otherthings that can play an important role in the learning process.
word processor,NBI,review A. Pompili "NBI: A Taste Of The Dedicated" PC Mag 84/02a Feb v.3 n.2 197Review of NBI Word Processing for the IBM PC (by NBI, Inc.).
PC/PILOT,education,training,CAI,glossary,review J. Diamondstone and J. Brodie "Computer-Assisted Instruction: Flying Hihg With PILOT" PC Mag 84/02a Feb v.3 n.2 212Review of PC/PILOT (by Washington Computer Services) and a gen- eral look at Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI). A glossary of CAI terms and a list of product information is also given.
interview,Karl Schmitt,Deerfield Bakery,business,recipe M. Muskal "Making Dough With The PC" PC Mag 84/02a Feb v.3 n.2 228Interview with the owner of the Deerfield Bakery in Chicago, KarlSchmitt who uses the IBM PC for generating recipes, determining quantities, and printing product labels.
hard disk drive,Genie 5+5,Cartridge Winchester,Tecmar,review W. L. Rosch "Removable Hard-Disk Drives: A Workable Alternative" PC Mag 84/02a Feb v.3 n.2 233Review of two removable hard disk drives: Genie 5+5 (by Genie Computer) and Cartridge Winchester in PC (by Tecmar).
LogiMouse,Logitech,review J. Taylor "Faster Than A Speeding Cursor Key" PC Mag 84/02a Feb v.3 n.2 243Review of LogiMouse (by Logitech, Inc.), a fully programmable, three-key house designed to operate with the IBM PC.
Xeno-copy,Systran,CompuView,Vertex Systems,disk,compatible,reviewR. N. Aarons "To CP/M And Back" PC Mag 84/02a Feb v.3 n.2 246Review of two programs designed to make diskettes created on one computer work on another (alien) machine: Xeno-copy (by Vertex Systems) and Systran (by CompuView Products).
interview,Michael Hudak,ABC-TV,news R. Magee "PC Comes To The Newsroom" PC Mag 84/02a Feb v.3 n.2 253Interview with Michael Hudak, director of research for ABC-TV owned and operated stations, who uses IBM PCs in the news media business.
PCjr,rating,review,commentary,negative,press W. Fastie PERSPECTIVE - "Too Much PRESSure on PCjr?" PC Mag 84/02a Feb v.3 n.2 261Author criticizes fellow journalists and writers who have poss- ibly given the IBM PCjr an unwarrented negative reputation.
game,review,Master Miner,Insecticide,Tick Attack C. Sandler PC ARCADE - "Major and Minor Fun" PC Mag 84/02a Feb v.3 n.2 265Review of three games: Master Miner (by Funtastic), The Insecti- cide (by Bel-Air Software), and Tick Attack (by Pegasus Software)
book,review,business computer,purchase J. W. Cox BOOK REVIEW - "Buying A Business Computer" PC Mag 84/02a Feb v.3 n.2 273Review of the two books: G. Bencar, COMPUTERS FOR SMALL BUSINESS:A STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE ON HOW TO BUY, and E. M. Cross HOW TO BUY A BUSINESS COMPUTER AND GET IT RIGHT THE FIRST TIME.
word processor,choosing,purchase,compatible,personal,commentary S. Rosenthal "Word Processing Personalities" PC Mag 84/02a Feb v.3 n.2 281General commentary on choosing a word processing program with thesuggestion that you should "look for one compatible with you".
education,training,Speed Reader II,Davidson & Associates,review K. Cook "Reading At The Speed Of Chips" PC Mag 84/02a Feb v.3 n.2 289Review of Speed Reader II (by Davidson & Associates), a new speedreading course for the IBM PC.
law,legal,office,commentary,future N. Brasch "Legal Aid: The Attorney's PC" PC Mag 84/02a Feb v.3 n.2 297General commentary on how PCs are slowly but surely making their ways into lawyer's offices, and a look at future uses.
E-Book,PC-File,DBM,medicine,patient,record,tutorial K. M. Hepler, M.D. "PC-File For Physicians" PC Mag 84/02a Feb v.3 n.2 301Continuation of last month's article showing how to implement an E-Book (patient "experiences") using PC-File.
mainframe,statistics,number crunch,speed,Capital,SIG,commentary H. J. Foxwell "Crunching Numbers On A PC" PC Mag 84/02a Feb v.3 n.2 307The Chairman of the Capital PC User Group's SIG for Statistics comments on how PCs are challenging mainframe computers in the areas of economy, convenience, and single user control.
help,Q&A,PROT.BAS,UNPROT.BAS,protect,erasure,retrieve,BASIC,NEW P. Somerson (Editor) USER-TO-USER PC Mag 84/02a Feb v.3 n.2 3431)Programs PROT.BAS and UNPROT.BAS given for avoiding erasure, 2)Method for retrieving original BASIC program after inadvertant-ly entering NEW.
help,Q&A,EOF,Ctrl-C trapping,COMMAND,IBMDOS,IBMBIOS,.COM M. Zachmann PC TUTOR PC Mag 84/02a Feb v.3 n.2 3851)Use of the EOF function, 2)Trapping a Crtl-C in BASIC revisited3)Short explanation of the .COM files: COMMAND, IBMDOS, and IBMBIOS---when they are needed on a diskette.
FORTRAN,language,Pascal,Ada,structured programming J. R. Wilschke "FORTRAN: Not Just For Scientists" PC Mag 84/02a Feb v.3 n.2 397Continuation of last month's article on FORTRAN, this one takes alook at future versions of the language that will rival Pascal and Ada in structure.
communication,modem,beginner,tip,tutorial M. D. Stone "Extending The Reach Of Your PC" PC Mag 84/02a Feb v.3 n.2 401Some pointers are given to help the novice get started in learn- ing how to assemble and operate a communications program and modem.
law,legal,trademark S. A. Becker ISSUES - "Putting A Stamp On Your Software" PC Mag 84/02a Feb v.3 n.2 407A legal primer to help you select and register a trademark.
general,editorial,commentary,COMDEX,show P. Somerson FROM THE EDITOR'S SCREEN - "Welcome To IBMdex" PC Mag 84/02b Feb v.3 n.3 69Rather cynical commentary on the Las Vegas COMDEX show.
help,Q&A,WordStar,printer,proportional,humor LETTERS TO PC PC Mag 84/02b Feb v.3 n.3 751)WordStar and proportional spaced printing, 2)Beautiful letter on "How to read PC Magazine".
general,editorial,commentary,novice M. Clark GUEST EDITORIAL - "A View From The Ivory Tower" PC Mag 84/02b Feb v.3 n.3 99A professor tells about his trials and tribulations as a computernovice with a new IBM PC.
Realia COBOL,Word Proof,DOS 2.10,review,mainframe P. Norton THE NORTON CHRONICLES - "Mainframe Migration And More" PC Mag 84/02b Feb v.3 n.3 109Review of Realia COBOL (by Realia, Inc.) and Word Proof (by IBM),and "a peek at the darker side of DOS 2.10".
Apple,IBM,commentary,insert B. E McMullen and J. F. McMullen "Apple Charts The Course For IBM" PC Mag 84/02b Feb v.3 n.3 122Commentary on how IBM owes much of its present success to the work done by Apple Computer. [Also, an insert entitled "Can Any-body Tackle IBM?"].
IBM,British essay,competition,insert "Can Anybody Tackle IBM?" PC Mag 84/02b Feb v.3 n.3 125Insert in "Apple Charts The Course For IBM", this article is an essay reprinted from a British magazine. It gives a detached view of the volatile American personal computer market.
Apple,IBM PC,chip,monitor,display,keyboard,memory,review M. Muskal "PC And Apple: How The Chips Stack Up" PC Mag 84/02b Feb v.3 n.3 130A look at the differences between the Apple IIe and the IBM PC in terms of 1) chip differences, 2) monitors, 3) keyboards, 4) storage, and 5) price.
education,training,IBM,Apple,Technology Education Act M. C. Scarino "Student Aid From IBM And Apple" PC Mag 84/02b Feb v.3 n.3 134Discussion about the role both IBM and Apple are playing by do- nating computer hardware/software to educational institutions. Also some comments about the Technology Education Act of 1982.
Apple-IBM Connection,Alpha Software,file,transfer,review,insert A. Holmes "From Apple To IBM And Back Again" PC Mag 84/02b Feb v.3 n.3 140Review of the Apple-IBM Connection (by Alpha Software) for trans-ferring files between the two. [Also, two inserts by author en- titled "Incompatible Apples" and "File Transfer Alternative"].
Apple,IBM,compatible,insert A. Holmes "Incompatible Apples" PC Mag 84/02b Feb v.3 n.3 143Insert in "From Apple To IBM And Back Again" by author, this ar- ticle describes some of the problems of compatibility among Apples own machines.
Apple-IBM:File Transfer Program,review,insert,Personal Computer A. Holmes "File Transfer Alternative" PC Mag 84/02b Feb v.3 n.3 144Insert in "From Apple To IBM And Back Again" by author, reviews Apple-IBM:File Transfer Program (by Personal Computer Products].
Quadlink,Quadram Corp,Apple,board,review W. L. Rosch "The Apple Of Your IBM" PC Mag 84/02b Feb v.3 n.3 147Review of Quadlink (by Quadram Corp.), a compact board that, witha little help from the software, turns the IBM PC into an ord- inary Apple II.
Apple,IBM,future,competition,commentary R. T. Fertig "Is IBM The Worm In Apple's Future?" PC Mag 84/02b Feb v.3 n.3 152Review of Apple Computer's rise and a look at possible future market demands and competition from IBM.
Trinity Computing Systems,medicine,interview,insert M. Porter "Merging Medicine With The Micro" PC Mag 84/02b Feb v.3 n.3 157Interview with Trinity Computing Systems, a software development firm that installs microcomputer systems in hospitals. [Also, aninsert by B. Krasnoff entitled "A Radiology Network"].
Trinity Computing Systems,medicine,radiology,insert,network,LAN B. Krasnoff "A Radiology Network" PC Mag 84/02b Feb v.3 n.3 158Insert in "Merging Medicine With The Micro" by M. Porter, this short article takes a look at one of the more specialized hospi- tal services now being addressed by Trinity Computing Systems.
Expert-Ease,EE,AI,Export Software,review,insert J. Taylor "Putting A Ph.D In Your PC" PC Mag 84/02b Feb v.3 n.3 167Review of Expert-Ease (by Export Software International), an Artificial Intelligence applications program. [Also, an insert by author entitled "What Is Artificial Intelligence?"].
Artificial Intelligence,AI,Expert-Ease,EE,insert J. Taylor "What Is Artificial Intelligence?" PC Mag 84/02b Feb v.3 n.3 172Insert in "Putting A Ph.D In Your PC" by author, this article takes a look at the difficulty of "defining" the concept of Artificial Intelligence (AI).
interview,IBM,Scotland,AMDS,automation,Advanced Materials,factoryP. Somerson "Something's Happening In Silicon Glen" PC Mag 84/02b Feb v.3 n.3 177Interview with Alex Wilson, plant director of IBM's facilities inGreenrock, Scotland. This fully automated facility is called theAdvanced Materials Distribution Plant, or AMDS by the locals.
PIE:Writer,Hayden Software,word processor,review,insert R. H. Zander "Getting A Taste Of The PIE:Writer" PC Mag 84/02b Feb v.3 n.3 183Review of the word processing program PIE:Writer (by Hayden Soft-ware Company). [Also, an insert by the author entitled "Easy As ABC"].
PIE:Writer,Hayden Software,word processor,review,insert,Speller R. H. Zander "Easy As ABC" PC Mag 84/02b Feb v.3 n.3 185Insert in "Getting A Taste Of The PIE:Writer" by the author, thisarticle reviews Hayden Software's spelling checker program, The Speller, which can be used with other word processors too.
PC-Write,Quicksoft,word processor,review,free,user-supported J. Pitt "Word Processing On The Honor System" PC Mag 84/02b Feb v.3 n.3 189Review of the word processor called PC-Write (by Quicksoft), which is marketed under the user-supported concept.
Microsoft Word,word processor,mouse,review S. Manes "The Unfinished Word" PC Mag 84/02b Feb v.3 n.3 192Review of the word processor called Word (by Microsoft).
Scriptor,Screenplay Systems,format,utility,word processor,review H. Berger "Phosphor Green Tinges The Silver Screen" PC Mag 84/02b Feb v.3 n.3 212Review of Scriptor (by Screenplay Systems), a utility program forformatting "scripts" already prepared using a standard word pro- cessing package.
CMC 5060,California Micro,printer,typewriter,Selectric,IBM,reviewD. Holzman "The Selectric Connection" PC Mag 84/02b Feb v.3 n.3 219Review of the CMC 5060 (by California Micro Computer), a connec- tion device for converting IBM Selectric typewriters into IBM PC printers.
Radio Shack CGP-220,ink-jet,printer,color,review M. Zachmann "A Member Of the Ink-Jet Set" PC Mag 84/02b Feb v.3 n.3 226Review of the CGP-220 ink-jet (color) printer (by Radio Shack).
Trace86,Morgan Computing,utility,assembly,debug,review,insert D. Gall "Tracing PC Machine-Level Operations" PC Mag 84/02b Feb v.3 n.3 233Review of Trace86 (by Morgan Computing Company), a utility for debugging at the level of assembly language code. [Also, an in- sert by the author entitled "A Trip to the BIOS"].
Trace86,BIOS,utility,assembly,review,insert D. Gall "A Trip to the BIOS" PC Mag 84/02b Feb v.3 n.3 238Insert in "Tracing PC Machine-Level Operations by the author, this article illustrates the investigative power of Trace86 by tracing the BIOS code internal to the IBM PC's ROM chip.
The Chameleon,Seequa Computer,portable,compatible,review S. P. Smith "A Switch-Hitting Portable" PC Mag 84/02b Feb v.3 n.3 243Review of The Chameleon (by Seequa Computer Corp.), a portable computer with an 8088 and Z80 chip.
interview,Airborne Freight,delivery,automation,mailroom M. Muskal "The PC Flies High With Airborne" PC Mag 84/02b Feb v.3 n.3 249Interview with the management of Airborne Freight Corporation, who offer their larger customers IBM PCs in order to automate mailrooms.
Airborne Freight,delivery,automation,mailroom,trace,package M. Muskal "The Airborne Journey Of A Package" PC Mag 84/02b Feb v.3 n.3 252A package travels by air and land from New York to Boston via Airborne Freight Company......and it is traced with an IBM PC.
MCI Mail,Purolator,courier,message,communication,review,insert B. Krasnoff "Transmitting Messages With MCI" PC Mag 84/02b Feb v.3 n.3 261Review of MCI Mail (by MCI Communications Corp), a company that has joined forces with Purolator couriers to transmit PC messages[Also, insert entitled "MCI at Stevens Institute of Technology"].
MCI Mail,message,communication,Stevens Institute,insert B. Krasnoff "MCI at Stevens Institute of Technology" PC Mag 84/02b Feb v.3 n.3 262Insert in "Transmitting Messages With MCI" by author, this arti- cle takes a terse look at how messages are transmitted at StevensInstitute of Technology using MCI Mail.
Landlord,Systems Plus,real estate,rental,property,review B. Nissim ""Tell It To The Landlord" PC Mag 84/02b Feb v.3 n.3 265Review of The Landlord (by Systems Plus, Inc.), a software pack- age that offers real help for the property manager. Divided intotwo subsystems: The Property Manager and The Financial Manager.
assembly,book,excerpt,tutorial,insert R. Lafore "Assembly Language: More Basic Than BASIC" PC Mag 84/02b Feb v.3 n.3 271First in a series of excerpts from the book: R. Lafore, ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE PRIMER FOR THE IBM PC (1984). Ch. 2 covered here. [Alsoan insert entitled "Getting Started with Assembly Language"].
assembly,book,excerpt,tutorial,insert B. Krasnoff "Getting Started with Assembly Language" PC Mag 84/02b Feb v.3 n.3 280Insert in "Assembly Language: More Basic Than BASIC" by R.Lafore,this article is a condensation of the Introduction and Chapter 2 of the book: R. Lafore, ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE PRIMER FOR THE IBM PC.
club,user group,tax exempt,Capital PC,law,legal,IRS K. Cook "A Taxing Question: Exemptions For User Groups" PC Mag 84/02b Feb v.3 n.3 295Capital PC User Group wins tax-exempt status after a 15-month face-to-face meeting with the IRS. An insert entitled "A Chron-ology Of Pitfalls" lists the steps that were taken by the club.
FileCommand,IBM,utility,visual shell,review S. Manes "The FileCommand Mystery" PC Mag 84/02b Feb v.3 n.3 305Review of FileCommand (by IBM), a utility program that is sup- posed to be a "visual shell".
PCjr,keyboard,ROM,test,general,commentary C. Sandler "A Secret Inside the ROM" PC Mag 84/02b Feb v.3 n.3 323Potporri discussion about: importance of keyboards, PCjr's latestkeyboard, and a diagnostic test inside the PCjr ROM for checking out an 83-key keyboard (suggesting that IBM may upgrade the PCjr)
game,Shultz's Treasure,Match Wits,Computer Easy,CBS,review P. Wiswell PC ARCADE - "Mental Gymnastics in the PC" PC Mag 84/02b Feb v.3 n.3 333Review of the games: Shultz's Treasure (by Computer Easy) and Match Wits (by CBS Software).
book,review,reference,encyclopedia,Ashton-Tate J. M. Woram BOOK REVIEW - "Lost In The PC Jungle" PC Mag 84/02b Feb v.3 n.3 341Review of the reference manual: REFERENCE ENCYCLOPEDIA FOR THE IBM PERSONAL COMPUTER (Ashton-Tate).
commentary,general,word processor,writer,author H. A. Karten "An Automated Way With Words" PC Mag 84/02b Feb v.3 n.3 349Commentary on how, for professional writers, word processing can eliminate wasted time, create new opportunities, teach new skills, encourage new work habits, and be conducive for work.
Dental Office Management System,MICRO/SYS80,dentist,review Dr. D. Gutkin "Dentistry Made Painless" PC Mag 84/02b Feb v.3 n.3 353Review of Dental Office Management System (MS80) (by MICRO/SYS80)
law,legal,computerize,office,advice,tip,consumer R. P. Wilkins "Starting On The Right Foot" PC Mag 84/02b Feb v.3 n.3 361Advice to lawyers who are ready to computerize their offices.
education,training,gifted children T. Fabbri "Computer Kids At College" PC Mag 84/02b Feb v.3 n.3 367Commentary on teaching children to use computers (by modifying a program for gifted children that's already in use).
Strong Museum,DBM,record keeping,computerize R. H. Zander "The New Computer Curators" PC Mag 84/02b Feb v.3 n.3 373Discussion on how museums can computerized their record keeping with the IBM PC, with the Strong Museum of Rochester, New York as example.
help,Q&A,memory,sound,color,graphics,printer P. Somerson (Editor) USER-TO-USER PC Mag 84/02b Feb v.3 n.3 4091)Memory checking program, 2)Program for creating interesting sounds, 3)Program to spice up medium resolution graphics and/or text, 4)Printer-on test program.
help,Q&A,RAM disk,memory,limit,precision,random,file,MODE,cursor M. Zachmann PC TUTOR PC Mag 84/02b Feb v.3 n.3 4511)RAM disk memory limit, 2)Precision and BASIC, 3)Defining fieldsfor random disk files in BASIC, 4)Using MODE command to shift thecursor (NEC RGB), 5)Replacing DOS 1.0 with 1.1 on disks.
APL,tutorial S. Lewis and M. Rubinstein "Meet The New APL" PC Mag 84/02b Feb v.3 n.3 463Short tutorial introduction to APL.
communication,CompuServe Information Service,CIS,SIG,review A. Glossbrenner "Signing On To A SIG" PC Mag 84/02b Feb v.3 n.3 467Review of CompuServe Information Service (CIS) and the IBM PC Special Interest Group (SIG).
law,legal,trademark S. A. Becker ISSUES - "Taking Care Of Your Trademark" PC Mag 84/02b Feb v.3 n.3 473Continuation of the article in the last issue dealing with trade-marks for software.
general,editorial,commentary,MS-DOS,Japan,market,business,future C. Winkler FROM THE EDITOR'S SCREEN - "Is MS-DOS Turning Japanese?" PC Mag 84/03a Mar v.3 n.4 71Commentary on Japanese computer manufacturers, who seem to have selected MS-DOS for their operating system in order to make in-roads into the U.S. market.
general,editorial,commentary,open,architecture,IBM S. Qureshey GUEST EDITORIAL - "The IBM Phenomenon" PC Mag 84/03a Mar v.3 n.4 97The president of AST Research, Inc. comments on IBM's open-systemarchitecture---how it continues to attract both buyers and vend- ors---as opposed to "protectionism" (e.g., TI's 99/4A loss).
DOS 2.0,subdirectory,file,I/O,tutorial P. Norton THE NORTON CHRONICLES - "More On Subdirectories" PC Mag 84/03a Mar v.3 n.4 109First in a two-part series covering the more practical issues concerning subdirectories.
1984 Summer Olympics,sport,insert V. Schnatmeier "The PC Goes For The Gold" PC Mag 84/03a Mar v.3 n.4 120Discussion on how IBM PCs will help manage the 1984 Summer Olym- pics---from initial planning to actual competitions. [Also, an insert by author entitled "A Word on our Sponsers"].
1984 Summer Olympics,sport,insert,Los Angeles,LAOOC,sponsor V. Schnatmeier "A Word on our Sponsors" PC Mag 84/03a Mar v.3 n.4 125Insert in "The PC Goes For The Gold", this article takes a quick look at the sale of Olympic sponsorships to the highest bidder bythe Los Angeles Olympic Organizing Committee (LAOOC).
interview,Foxx,Running Program,jog,sport,exercise,review,insert M. Porter "Jim Fixx Runs A Program" PC Mag 84/03a Mar v.3 n.4 126Interview with Jim Fixx, author of the book: THE COMPLETE BOOK OF RUNNING. Also, a quick review of The Running Program (by MicroEducation). [Also, insert entitled "Software For Jocks"].
Computer Running Log,Homesoft,jog,sport,exercise,review,insert M. Porter "Software For Jocks" PC Mag 84/03a Mar v.3 n.4 129Insert in "Jim Fixx Runs A Program" by author, this article reviews the program called Computer Running Log (by Homesoft).
diet,exercise,health,software,review,insert M. Schorin "Programs For A Healthy Practice" PC Mag 84/03a Mar v.3 n.4 130Review of six diet and exercise analysis software packages: EVRYDIET, Healthaide, The Short Report, Diet Monitor, Inshape, Nutritionist, and Nutri-Calc. [Insert "Selecting Diet Software"]
diet,exercise,health,software,consumer,tip,insert M. Schorin "Selecting Diet Software" PC Mag 84/03a Mar v.3 n.4 136Insert in "Programs For A Healthy Practice" by author, this short article provides a list of some important questions to ask before buying diet software.
Microsoft Budget,Multiplan,template,spreadsheet,review,insert D. Pearlman "Multiplan Made Easier?" PC Mag 84/03a Mar v.3 n.4 137Review of Microsoft Budget (by Microsoft Corporation), an inter- active template for Multiplan (spreadsheet) that produces a cost accounting system. [Insert "Accounting for Microsoft Budget"].
Microsoft Budget,Multiplan,template,accounting,review,insert D. Pearlman "Accounting for Microsoft Budget" PC Mag 84/03a Mar v.3 n.4 138Insert in "Multiplan Made Easier?" by author, this article looks at the accounting features of Microsoft Budget and how they can be upgraded by the user.
VCN ExecuVision,Prentice-Hall,graphics,review V. Puglia "Pretty Pixels" PC Mag 84/03a Mar v.3 n.4 143Review of VCN ExecuVision: The Presentation Graphics Program (by Prentice-Hall, Inc.). The claim is that ExecuVision is to graphics as VisiCalc is to spreadsheets.
Knowledge Manager,KnowledgeMan,MDBS,spreadsheet,DBM,review,insertR. N. Aarons "Wising Up With KnowledgeMan" PC Mag 84/03a Mar v.3 n.4 147Review of Knowledge Manager (by Micro Data Base Systems), also known as KnowledgeMan and KMan. [Also, an insert by author entitled "A Useful Utility"].
MOMAN,utility,linker,KnowledgeMan,review,insert R. N. Aarons "A Useful Utility" PC Mag 84/03a Mar v.3 n.4 154Insert in "Wising Up With KnowledgeMan" by author, this article gives a quick review of a module linker utility called MOMAN (part of the Knowledgeman package).
clock,electronic,do-it-yourself,tutorial,game controller L. V. Marks "Getting Set For Real Time" PC Mag 84/03a Mar v.3 n.4 157Step by step instructions for installing a real-time clock on thegame control card (requires some soldering and kit building ex- perience).
interview,company,Ruder, Finn & Rotman,public relations,PR S. Kariya "PCs Polish A PR Firm's Image" PC Mag 84/03a Mar v.3 n.4 164Interview with executives and staff at the public relations company called Ruder, Finn & Rotman of New York.
interview,company,Data Translation,analog,digital,I/O D. Ritchie "Cap That If You Can" PC Mag 84/03a Mar v.3 n.4 171Interview with Data Translation, a Massachusetts manufacturer of PC-compatible hardware (e.g., analog/digital I/O equipment).
FX-80,FX-100,printer,Set-FX,SoftStyle,font,review R. H. Zander "Menus For Printer Magic" PC Mag 84/03a Mar v.3 n.4 176Review of Set-FX (by SoftStyle), a menu-driven program for choosing font styles, print modes, and formatting options for theEpson FX-80 or FX-100 printers.
book,excerpt,sound,music,BASIC,tutorial B. Enders and B. Petersen "The Sound Of Music" PC Mag 84/03a Mar v.3 n.4 179Excerpts from the the book: B. Enders and B. Petersen, BASIC PRI-MER FOR THE IBM PC (1984). This article explains how to program sound and music.
politics,Campaign Manager,Solon,review M. Muskal "Computers On The Campaign Trail" PC Mag 84/03a Mar v.3 n.4 192Short article describing two commercially available "political" programs: Campaign Manager and Solon.
politics,campaign M. Porter "The PC Runs For President" PC Mag 84/03a Mar v.3 n.4 195A short article describing how some of the U.S. politicians are using IBM PCs (and other personal computers) in order to enhance their campaign efforts.
Solon,Q Systems Research Corp.,politics,campaign,review M. Muskal "Solon: The Political Machine" PC Mag 84/03a Mar v.3 n.4 197Review of Solon (by Q Systems Research Corp.), a political program for campaigning (finances, election analysis, mail, etc.)
Campaign Manager,Aristotle Industries,politics,review,Stamford M. Muskal "A Victory For Campaign Manager" PC Mag 84/03a Mar v.3 n.4 201Review of Campaign Manager (by Arisotle Industries), a political program that has recently been used by Connecticut state senator Thom Serrani in the race for mayor of Stamford.
commentary,public interest group,ACLU B. Krasnoff "Computing In The Public Interest" PC Mag 84/03a Mar v.3 n.4 209Commentary on how public interest groups, such as the ACLU, are using PCs in order to increase efficiency in bringing informationto the people.
book,excerpt,chip,microprocessor,history,photo,IC S. Augarten "An Illustrated History Of The Chip" PC Mag 84/03a Mar v.3 n.4 212Excerpts from the book: S. Augarten, STATE OF THE ART: A PHOTO- GRAPHIC HISTORY OF THE INTEGRATED CIRCUIT (Ticknor & Fields, 1983).
commentary,word processor,author,writer,insert R. Syvertson "PC Passion And Other Romances" PC Mag 84/03a Mar v.3 n.4 230Commentary on how word processors and PCs can make an author's life infinitely easier, with current examples to illustrate this.[Also, insert by author entitled "Hassles, Hurdles, and Hints"].
commentary,word processor,author,writer,insert R. Syvertson "Hassles, Hurdles, and Hints" PC Mag 84/03a Mar v.3 n.4 233Insert in "PC Passion And Other Romances" by author, this articlelists some of the "problems" that writers have had using comput- ers, and some of the solutions to these problems.
Real Estate Investment Package,property,review J. Taylor "Analyzing Property Investments" PC Mag 84/03a Mar v.3 n.4 235Review of Real Estate Investment Package (by Tom Ciulik).
Professional Computer,Texas Instruments,TI,review W. L. Rosch "Sizing Up The Professional" PC Mag 84/03a Mar v.3 n.4 240Review of the Texas Instrument Professional Computer.
game,MasterType,Quotrix,Crypto Cube,Jabbertalky,review E. Freedman "Game Menus: A Fix For Word Junkies" PC Mag 84/03a Mar v.3 n.4 246Review of the games: MasterType (by Lightning Software), Quotrix (by Infosoft), Crypto Cube (by DesignWare), and Jabbertalky (by EPYX/Automated Simulations).
monitor,display,raster scan,tutorial V. N. Rende "Monitors: A Look Behind The Screen" PC Mag 84/03a Mar v.3 n.4 253Tutorial on how raster scan technology works with monitors.
security,protect,cryptography,data,insert T. Katz "It's 10 PM: Do You Know Where Your Data Are?" PC Mag 84/03a Mar v.3 n.4 259Discussion on data security and the science of cryptography, withthe following inserts by the author: "Keeping Your PC's DataSafe""Locking Up with PC Lock II","Substitution, Permutation, and DES"
security,protect,PC Lock II,MPPi,review,insert T. Katz "Locking Up with PC Lock II" PC Mag 84/03a Mar v.3 n.4 262Insert in "It's 10 PM: Do You Know Where Your Data Are?" by author, this article reviews PC Lock II (by MPPi, Ltd.).
security,protect,DataSafe,DES-Crypt,review,insert T. Katz "Keeping your PC's DataSafe" PC Mag 84/03a Mar v.3 n.4 260Insert in "It's 10 PM: Do You Know Where Your Data Are?" by author, this article reviews DataSafe (by Trigram Systems). (originally marketed under the name DES-Crypt).
security,protect,NBS,Data Encryption System,DES,tutorial T. Katz "Sustitution, Permutation, and DES" PC Mag 84/03a Mar v.3 n.4 263Insert in "It's 10 PM: Do You Know Where Your Data Are?" by author, this article is a short tutorial on the NBS' Data Encryp-tion Standard (DES).
IBM,future,forecast W. Fastie PERSPECTIVE - "What's Next From IBM?" PC Mag 84/03a Mar v.3 n.4 265Author guesses and speculates about a hypothetical new machine from IBM.
game,Czorian Seige,Howard Sams,Tiao Ch`i,MicroClassics,review C. Sandler PC ARCADE - "The Tiao Of Killing Aliens" PC Mag 84/03a Mar v.3 n.4 269Review of the games: Czorian Seige (by Howard W. Sams & Co.) and Tiao Ch'i (by MicroClassics).
book,BASIC,review,math,reading,education,training E. Freedman and B. Krasnoff BOOK REVIEW - "Getting Your Feet Wet" PC Mag 84/03a Mar v.3 n.4 275Review of books: D.E.Cortesi,YOUR IBM PERSONAL COMPUTER: USE,APP-LICATIONS,AND BASIC; L.D.Geoffrion & O.P.Geoffrion,COMPUTERS AND READING INSTRUCTION; P.Kelman et al,COMPUTERS IN TEACHING MATH...
author,writer,technical,word processor S. Armbrust "A Tool For A Technical Writer" PC Mag 84/03a Mar v.3 n.4 283Discussion of PCs and word processors from the point of view of the "technical" writer.
medical,scientific,MEDLIT Manager,dBASE II,DBM S. Camazine, M.D. "Rx For A Medical Malaise" PC Mag 84/03a Mar v.3 n.4 289Description of the author's program, MEDLIT Manager, a series of dBASE II command-file programs that organize medical and scienti-fic literature (available from author for $25).
contractor,construction,estimate,bid,payroll,accounting P. Levin "Constructive Computing" PC Mag 84/03a Mar v.3 n.4 293Overview of the applications for which contractors are using PCs in their workplaces (for estimating, bidding, payroll, accountingetc.).
law,legal,computerization,office,guide,tip R. P. Wilkins "PC Buyer's Guide For Lawyers" PC Mag 84/03a Mar v.3 n.4 297A guide for costing out the computerization of a law practice.
CLAS,education,training,review,computerize,lesson,aide D. Z. Meilach "Making The PC Teacher's Pet" PC Mag 84/03a Mar v.3 n.4 303Review of the Computerized Lesson Authoring System (CLAS) (by Touch Technologies), an aide for creating flexibly formatted les-sons and exercises for the PC in any subject and for any level.
help,Q&A,DOS 1.1,2.0,COMMAND.COM,CONVERT,number base conversion P. Somerson (Editor) USER-TO USER PC Mag 84/03a Mar v.3 n.4 3411)Program (CONVERT) for number base conversion, 2)DOS 1.1/2.0 in-compatibility, 3)How to avoid the message "Insert COMMAND.COM disk in Drive A" with DOS 1.1/2.0.
help,Q&A,WordStar,address,protect,hard disk,DOS 2.0,bug,FORMAT M. Zachmann PC TUTOR PC Mag 84/03a Mar v.3 n.4 3831)List of WordStar addresses, 2)Copy protection and hard disks, 3)Formatting with /V and /8 under DOS 2.0 (a bug?).
APL,tutorial S. Lewis and M. Rubinstein "APL Does The Job" PC Mag 84/03a Mar v.3 n.4 397Continue of last month's tutorial on APL, with a few examples of what APL can do.
communication,CompuServe Information Service,CIS,SIG,review A. Glossbrenner "Online With A Special Interest" PC Mag 84/03a Mar v.3 n.4 401Continue of last month's article on logging on to CompuServe's IBM PC Special Interest Group (SIG).
law,legal,pirate,crime,commentary J. Soma ISSUES - "Keying In To Computer Crime" PC Mag 84/03a Mar v.3 n.4 407Commentary on computer crime which the author divides into three categories: malicious "hacking", software piracy, and the use of big computer systems to perpetrate crimes.
general,editorial,commentary,corporate,copy,protect,pirate,law B. Machrone FROM THE EDITOR'S SCREEN - "Pitfalls Of Corporate Copying" PC Mag 84/03b Mar v.3 n.5 69Commentary on "corporate copying"---there are two major forms.
general,editorial,commentary,law,legal,IRS,tax,club,user group L. L. Meadows GUEST EDITORIAL - "Phantom Ruling From The IRS" PC Mag 84/03b Mar v.3 n.5 99Discussion of a recent IRS ruling that threatens to deny federal tax-exempt status for PC user groups.
IBM PCjr,quirk,tutorial,memory,speed,cartridge ROM-BIOS P. Norton THE NORTON CHRONICLES - "Unearthing The PCjr's Secrets" PC Mag 84/03b Mar v.3 n.5 111Some interesting quirks uncovered in the TECHNICAL REFERENCE FOR THE PCjr: memory, speed, and a "cartridge" ROM-BIOS.
C language,history,tutorial,insert L. Baker and N. Sakowski "Getting Your C-Legs" PC Mag 84/03b Mar v.3 n.5 118Overview of the C-language---its history, structure, and how to get started (with simple, annotated programs). [Also, an insert entitled "Hello, World!" by T. Plum].
C language,beginner,tutorial,insert T. Plum "Hello, World!" PC Mag 84/03b Mar v.3 n.5 121Insert in "Getting Your C-Legs" by L. Baker and N. Sakowski, thisarticle is an excerpt from the author's book, LEARNING TO PRO- GRAM IN C.
C language,MWC-86 C Compiler,Mark Williams Co.,review M. S. Zachmann "The MWC-86C Compiler" PC Mag 84/03b Mar v.3 n.5 124Review of MWC-86 C Compiler, Version 1.0 (by Mark Williams Co.).
C language,C Native Compiler,Whitesmiths,review M. S. Zachmann "The Whitesmiths C Native Compiler" PC Mag 84/03b Mar v.3 n.5 130Review of C Native Compiler, Release 2.2 (by Whitesmiths, Ltd.).
C language,Lattice 8086/8088 C Compiler,Lifeboat,review L. Baker and N. Sakowski "New Improved Lattice C" PC Mag 84/03b Mar v.3 n.5 138Review of Lattice 8086/8088 C Compiler (by Lifeboat Associates).
interview,company,Tom Plum,C language,future,forecast S. Stallings "C Into The Future" PC Mag 84/03b Mar v.3 n.5 142Interview with Tom Plum, who heads the company called Plum Hall, Inc., and who has written several books on the C language.
SPF/PC,Professional Editor,micro/SPF,TED,review,insert S. Stallings "PC Program Editors: The Next Generation" PC Mag 84/03b Mar v.3 n.5 148Review of the editors: SPF/PC (Rogue River), Professional Editor (IBM), micro/SPF (Phaser Systems), and TED (Morgan Computing). [Also, inserts "What's New?" & "Split Decision on Split Screens"]
SPF/PC,Professional Editor,micro/SPF,TED,upgrade,review,insert S. Stallings "What's New?" PC Mag 84/03b Mar v.3 n.5 151Insert in "PC Program Editors: The Next Generation" by author, this article takes a look at improvements that are upcoming in several program editors.
SPF/PC,Professional Editor,micro/SPF,TED,insert,split screen S. Stallings "Split Decision on Split Screens" PC Mag 84/03b Mar v.3 n.5 152Insert in "PC Program Editors: The Next Generation" by author, this article discusses how some program editors support split screens better than others.
communication,packet switching,simultaneous,tutorial,insert H. A. Karten "Packet Switching Puts You In Touch" PC Mag 84/03b Mar v.3 n.5 161Tutorial on "packet switching", a communication technique that enables many users to communicate simultaneously. [Also, inserts"A Communication Checkup" and "The Modem Connection"].
communication,packet switching,modem,mainframe,tutorial,insert D. Holzman "The Modem Connection" PC Mag 84/03b Mar v.3 n.5 165Insert in "Packet Switching Puts You In Touch" by H. A. Karten, this article is a tutorial on linking to mainframes via modems.
IBM CS9000,lab,science,engineering,review F. J. Derfler, Jr. "PC's Powerful Cousin: The IBM CS9000" PC Mag 84/03b Mar v.3 n.5 170Review of the IBM CS9000, a desktop computer with the same key- board as the standard PC, but with enhancements that make it moreuseful as a laboratory computer.
Decision-Analyst,Once Begun,Executive,review,office,business F. Vaughan "The Decision Makers" PC Mag 84/03b Mar v.3 n.5 177Review of Decision (by Once Begun Computations) and Decision- Analyst (by Executive Software), programs to aid in making "decisions" (e.g., purchasing office equipment).
assembly,book,excerpt,tutorial,DOS R. Lafore "Assembly Language: The Nature of DOS" PC Mag 84/03b Mar v.3 n.5 185Second in a series of excerpts from the book: R. Lafore, ASSEMBLYLANGUAGE PRIMER FOR THE IBM PC (1984). Ch. 4 (covered here) discusses DOS and how it relates to assembly language.
MAX,Micro-MRP,manufacturing system,review,insert J. B. Young "PC-Powered Manufacturing Systems" PC Mag 84/03b Mar v.3 n.5 212Review of MAX, the Production Manager (by Micro-MRP), a "manufac-turing system" for tracking materials through the manufacturing process. [Also, insert "A Glossary Of Manufacturing Terms"].
manufacture,glossary,jargon,lingo,insert J. B. Young "A Glossary Of Manufacturing Terms" PC Mag 84/03b Mar v.3 n.5 216Insert in "PC-Powered Manufacturing Systems" by author, this glossary contains definitions of terms used in the manufacturing field.
OfficeWriter,Form Writer,word processor,review,business S. Armbrust "Office Writing: Word Processing For Business" PC Mag 84/03b Mar v.3 n.5 221Review of OfficeWriter (by Office Solutions) and Form Writer Ver-sion 1.1 (by Business Development International).
Tech Graphics 2,New England Technology Group,Quantell,art,review T. Christopher "A Galley Of Computer Art" PC Mag 84/03b Mar v.3 n.5 234Author uses rather sophisticated software and hardware with his IBM PC in order to create masterpieces of copmuterized art. The Quantell graphics machine is also discussed.
book,excerpt,chip,microprocessor,history,photo,IC S. Augarten "An Illustrated History Of The Chip - Part 2" PC Mag 84/03b Mar v.3 n.5 246Excerpts from the book: S. Augarten, STATE OF THE ART: A PHOTO- GRAPHIC HISTORY OF THE INTEGRATED CIRCUIT (Ticknor & Fields, 1983).
PC GT,Sierra Data Sciences,board,multitask,multiuser,review W. L. Rosch "When One PC Is Not Enough" PC Mag 84/03b Mar v.3 n.5 253Review of PC GT (by Sierra Data Sciences), a board that converts the single-user PC into a two- or three-user workhorse.
dry cleaners,laundry,business R. Syvertsen "Taking The PC to the Cleaners" PC Mag 84/03b Mar v.3 n.5 262Discusses the use of the IBM PC in the laundry and dry cleaning business.
education,training,MIT,Project Athena J. Brann "MIT Goes On The 5-Year Plan" PC Mag 84/03b Mar v.3 n.5 269Discussion of Project Athena, an expensive ($70 million) 5-year effort to integrate personal computers into the MIT curriculum.
Slot-Saver,kit,board,TAMAC,entrepreneur,do-it-yourself,review D. Gordon "Beating The System" PC Mag 84/03b Mar v.3 n.5 283Story about three teenagers who have entrepreneured a company called TAMAC that sells a kit (Slot-Saver) for piggybacking an- other circuit board onto each PC expansion board.
Ramada Inns,hotel,motel,reservation,company,interview,insert F. Vaughan "Checking Inns With The PC" PC Mag 84/03b Mar v.3 n.5 288A look at the newly installed mainframe-IBM PC system used by Ramada Inns in order to improve reservation accuracy and effic- iency. [Inserts: "Innkeeper's Helper" & "No Room For Hackers"].
Ramada Inns,hotel,motel,reservation,insert,security,hacker F. Vaughan "No Room For Hackers" PC Mag 84/03b Mar v.3 n.5 296Insert in "Checking Inns With The PC" by the author, this articlelooks at the elaborate security system that prevents unauthorizedaccess to the Ramada Inn reservation system.
education,training,North Carolina,Wake County,school,interview H. Waldrop "Waking Up To Computer Education" PC Mag 84/03b Mar v.3 n.5 301Interview with members of North Carolina's Wake County school system, who have installed 135 IBM PCs in its middle schools.
IBM,introductory program,training,review,manual L. Van Gelder "Exploring A Nonmanual Alternative" PC Mag 84/03b Mar v.3 n.5 311Review of IBM's new introductory program called "Exploring the IBM Personal Computer", which is now being distributed with everyPC and XT it sells.
compatible,test,exam,humor C. Sandler SANDLER'S SCREEN - "The PC Compatibility Test" PC Mag 84/03b Mar v.3 n.5 325Set of questions---supposedly to allow one to check the compati- bility of other personal computers with the IBM PC (poor attempt at humor).
game,Infidel,Infocom,Ulysses and...,Sierra On-Line,review P. Wiswell PC ARCADE - "Greek And Egyptian Adventures" PC Mag 84/03b Mar v.3 n.5 335Review of the games: Infidel (by Infocom, Inc.) and Ulysses and the Golden Fleece (by Sierra On-Line, Inc.).
book,review,dBASE II,woman D. Obregon and C. J. Goldberg BOOK REVIEW - "Help For Experts And Novices" PC Mag 84/03b Mar v.3 n.5 343Review of: S. and L. Doroff, dBASE II IN ENGLISH I; D. Heller andJ. Bower, COMPUTER CONFIDENCE: A WOMAN'S GUIDE; D. R. Spencer, UNDERSTANDING COMPUTERS.
writer,author,DBM,word processor S. Rosenthal "Getting Organized On Your PC" PC Mag 84/03b Mar v.3 n.5 351Discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of word processorsand databases from the point of view of helping writers organize their notes.
contractor,construction,estimate,bid,spreadsheet,DBM P. Levin "Exploring Electronic Estimating" PC Mag 84/03b Mar v.3 n.5 355Second article in a series describing how contractors can make use of the IBM PC. Interactive estimating systems are addressed in this article, which discusses spreadsheet programs & databases
medical,MUMPS,language,Mass General M. Porter and D. Pringle "MUMPS Fever" PC Mag 84/03b Mar v.3 n.5 363Overview of MUMPS (Massachusetts General Hospital Utility Multi- Programming System), a programming language originally developed for medical applications on mainframes.
MAI,Amdek,Halo,graphics,board,monochrome,color,review A. E. Meilach "Two Boards In One" PC Mag 84/03b Mar v.3 n.5 369Review of the Multiple Adapter Interface (MAI) (by Amdek Corp.), a graphics display card for monochrome and for color monitors.
education,training,CAI B. Rosensweet "Educating The Individual" PC Mag 84/03b Mar v.3 n.5 375Discussion on how computerized interactive instruction (CAI) offers a method of responding to each student's needs.
help,Q&A,LOF,bug,text file P. Somerson (Editor) USER-TO-USER PC Mag 84/03b Mar v.3 n.5 4101)Method for keeping track of files on floppys, 2)LOF bug (and solution), 3)Method of viewing and deleting unwanted text files.
help,Q&A,DISKCOPY,RAM disk,assembly,precision,foreign,overseas M. Zachmann PC TUTOR PC Mag 84/03b Mar v.3 n.5 4531)Using redirected input (DOS 2.0) to automatically DISKCOPY to a RAM disk, 2)Using assembly to interpret precision numbers, 3)IBM PC use in foreign countries,....continued to next record...
help,Q&A,BSAVE,color,graphics,Epson MX-80 F/T,paper M. Zachmann PC TUTOR PC Mag 84/03b Mar v.3 n.5 453continued from previous record... 4)Use of BSAVE to save color images, 5)Epson MX-80 F/T and the `out-of-paper' signal.
medical,MUMPS,language,tutorial D. Pringle "MUMPS: A Cure For Swollen Programs" PC Mag 84/03b Mar v.3 n.5 467Description of the MUMPS programming language.
communication,BBS,SYSOP,interview,Rich Schinnell A. Glossbrenner "Going By The Board" PC Mag 84/03b Mar v.3 n.5 471Interview with Rich Schinnell, a system operator (SYSOP) for a computer bulletin board system (BBS).
law,legal,software license S. A. Becker ISSUES - "Software Licensing Questions" PC Mag 84/03b Mar v.3 n.5 477Discussion of software licensing practices and the law.
IBM,announcement,UNIX,PC/IX,Interactive Systems,Microsoft M. Porter and C. Winkler PC NEWS - "IBM's Latest Hot Potato" PC Mag 84/03b Mar v.3 n.5 33About IBM's announcement of the UNIX-based operating system for the IBM PC (called PC/IX). Interactive Systems Corp. gets the bid, but Microsoft is out in the cold.
UNIX,PC/IX B. Machrone PC NEWS - "Unix for the PC: What It All Means" PC Mag 84/03b Mar v.3 n.5 33
shakeout,computer retailing K. Cook PC NEWS - "Is the Boom Bust?" PC Mag 84/03b Mar v.3 n.5 33Computer retail shakeout among independent stores is discussed.
PC Bartendr,LH Software,review,liquor,drink J. Langdell PC NEWS - "Cheers! Drinks Are on the PC!" PC Mag 84/03b Mar v.3 n.5 34Review of PC Bartendr (by LH Software), a program for mixing drinks.
CTG,UNIX,education,training,course M. Porter PC NEWS - "Jumping From Iran to Unix CTG Again Hits a Hot Spot" PC Mag 84/03b Mar v.3 n.5 39Discussion of UNIX courses offered by Computer Technology Group (CTG).
DBM,Satellite Software,DataPath,SSI,WordPerfect PC NEWS - "Satellite Forges Path for Database" PC Mag 84/03b Mar v.3 n.5 39Satellite Software International (SSI) has introduced DataPath, which uses windows to graphically display the movement from one record type to another in a database.
book,publisher,software,future,forecast K. Cook PC NEWS - "Publishers Make Book On Software" PC Mag 84/03b Mar v.3 n.5 41Article on book publishers and their software plans.
Ratings Newsletter,Software Digest,consumer,periodical PC NEWS - "The Consumers' Union Approach to Software" PC Mag 84/03b Mar v.3 n.5 41Software Digest, Inc.'s "Ratings Newsletter" is discussed.
3.25,disk,Dysan,software J. Langdell PC NEWS - "Dysan 3.25" Disks With Hit Software" PC Mag 84/03b Mar v.3 n.5 52Dysan has entered the software publishing business in order to assure that programs will be available on the 3.25" disk.
Quadram,advertise,TV,board,peripheral K. Cook PC NEWS - "Peripherals, Add-ons Play Prime Time" PC Mag 84/03b Mar v.3 n.5 52Quadram Corporation is advertising its boards on TV.
Dr.Logo,Digital Research,review J. Langdell PC NEWS - "Dr. Logo Is In - At Long Last!" PC Mag 84/03b Mar v.3 n.5 55Review of Dr. Logo (by Digital Research).
Boeing Computer Services,BCS,EIS MicroWorkstation,mainframe J. Langdell PC NEWS - "Boeing Firepower In PC and XT/370" PC Mag 84/03b Mar v.3 n.5 60A look at Boeing Computer Services. They offer two Executive Information Service (EIS) MicroWorkstations.
BASIC,undocumented,keyword,ERDEV,ENVIRON,IOCTL,SHELL PC NEWS - "Treasures Buried in BASIC" PC Mag 84/03b Mar v.3 n.5 60Four keywords (IBM BASIC 2.0) that are undocumented: ERDEV, ENVIRON, IOCTL, and SHELL, with an explanation of their purpose.
interview,Camilo Wilson,Volkswriter C. Winkler PC NEWS - "People in the News: Camilo Wilson" PC Mag 84/03b Mar v.3 n.5 62Interview with Camilo Wilson, the creator of Volkswriter.
IBM,Japan,COMDEX,show,Las Vegas C. Winkler and M. Porter PC NEWS - "IBM Is Trumps in Big Las Vegas Game" PC Mag 84/01b Jan v.3 n.1 33Overview of the Winter COMDEX show in Las Vegas. IBM and the Japanese were VERY present.
Microsoft,Windows,MS-DOS,Mouse,bit-map,graphics,announcement J. Langdell PC NEWS - "Microsoft Opens Windows" PC Mag 84/01b Jan v.3 n.1 34Commentary on Microsoft's recent announcement of Windows, an extension to the MS-DOS operating system that will provide an interface for bit-mapped graphics, Mouse control, etc.
VisiCorp,Visi On,integrate J. Langdell PC NEWS - "Visi On Comes into Sight" PC Mag 84/01b Jan v.3 n.1 35Overview of the Visi On "integrated applications environment" that has finally been released by VisiCorp (several months late).
portable,compatible,competition,product,consumer,review K. Cook and J. Langdell PC NEWS - "PC-Compatible Portables" PC Mag 84/01b Jan v.3 n.1 39A look at some of the portable personal computers now on the market that are supposed to be PC-compatible. A product list (comparison chart) is given. Competition is getting greater.
Bob Freeman,Microsoft,Flight Simulator,beta test,teenager E. Bibb PC NEWS - "Thirteen Going....Professional" PC Mag 84/01b Jan v.3 n.1 49Story about Bob Freeman, a thirteen-year-old "beta tester" for Microsoft Corporation who got his job by finding bugs in Flight Simulator.
IBM Direct,mail order,catalog,product,consumer PC NEWS - "Software, Disks, and Little Brown Jugs" PC Mag 84/01b Jan v.3 n.1 52Short article about IBM Direct, a mail and phone order operation by IBM which provides its catalog on a diskette. Contains over 160 products, many which are not available at IBM Product Centers
DunsPlus,Dun & Bradstreet,financial,IBM PC-XT,package,service J. Langdell PC NEWS - "DunsPlus Puts XT in Friendlier Package" PC Mag 84/01b Jan v.3 n.1 55A financial services firm (Dun & Bradstreet) offers the IBM PC-XTas a package, called DunsPlus, that combines hardware, software, and services---ready for corporations to use ($10,200).
BASIC,INT,round off,precision,bug PC NEWS - "What A Difference A Millionth Can Make" PC Mag 84/01b Jan v.3 n.1 55Short clip about floating-point arithmetic used by the PC's BASIC. In particular, the INT command has a round off problem.
Analytic Information Processing,AIP,PCool,fan,temperature,heat PC NEWS - "This PC is Cool, Like Real Cool" PC Mag 84/01b Jan v.3 n.1 58Analytic Information Processing (AIP), which sells a fan called PCool, became a PC peripheral manufacturer when its PC didn't work because of heat problems.
TK!Solver 1.2,Software Arts,review PC NEWS - "TK!Solver Takes On A New Look" PC Mag 84/01b Jan v.3 n.1 60Review of TK!Solver 1.2 (by Software Arts, Inc.).
interview,Lucie Fjeldstad,IBM PC-XT/370 C. Winkler PC NEWS - "People in the News: Lucie Fjeldstad" PC Mag 84/01b Jan v.3 n.1 62Interview with Lucie Fjeldstad, product manager for the develop- ment of the IBM PC-XT/370,
Tandy TRS-80 Model 2000,compatible K. Cook PC NEWS - "New Tandy Tack: IBM Compatibility" PC Mag 84/02a Feb v.3 n.2 33Tandy introduces the TRS-80 Model 2000, an IBM compatible.
Japanese,market,MS-DOS K. Cook and M. Porter PC NEWS - "The New Wave of Japanese PCs" PC Mag 84/02a Feb v.3 n.2 33Story about how the Japanese are expected to make a dent in the U.S. microcomputer marketplace this year (mainly because IBM established MS-DOS as the defacto standard of operating systems).
TI Professional Computer,portable,compatible,MS-DOS PC NEWS - "TI Beefs Line with MS-DOS, Portable" PC Mag 84/02a Feb v.3 n.2 41Story about the Texas Instruments (TI) Professional Computer which is portable and is PC-software compatible (using MS-DOS).
ITT Courier Terminal Systems,XTRA,IBM PC-XT,compatible PC NEWS - "ITT Courier Joins Microcomputer Race" PC Mag 84/02a Feb v.3 n.2 41Story about ITT's announcement of the XTRA, a machine that is supposed to be hardware and software compatible with the IBM PC-XT (manufactured by ITT Courier Terminal Systems).
Windows,Microsoft,DesQ,WindowMaster,VisuALL,Visi On,CCP/M,review J. Langdell PC NEWS - "Who'll Clean Up with PC Window Software?" PC Mag 84/02a Feb v.3 n.2 49Review of Windows (by Microsoft) and related products.
architronics,architeture,Xanadu,house,future PC NEWS - "A Mighty Pleasure Dome Was Decreed" PC Mag 84/02a Feb v.3 n.2 57Story about "architronics", a new architectural discipline that uses intricate computer technology. An example is the computer- ized house of the future called "Xanadu".
Key Tronic,KB5151,compatible,keyboard PC NEWS - "Key Tronic Shifts To Delux for PC,jr" PC Mag 84/02a Feb v.3 n.2 57Description of the "delux" plug-compatible keyboard for the IBM PC and PCjr by Key Tronic (the KB5151).
Key Tronic,KB5150D,compatible,Dvorak,keyboard,review J. Langdell PC NEWS - "The Dvorak Keyboard's Different Strokes" PC Mag 84/02a Feb v.3 n.2 58Review of the Compatible Keyboard, Dvorak Layout Model KB5150D (by Key Tronic).
LSF,Prentice-Hall,curve fitter,statistics,least squares,review B. Lee and J. Langdell PC NEWS - "LSF - The Least Squares Curve Fitter" PC Mag 84/02a Feb v.3 n.2 58Review of LSF - The Least Squares Curve Fitter (by Prentice-Hall)
interview,Timothy Leary,XOR E. Mehrin PC NEWS - "People in the News: Timothy Leary" PC Mag 84/02a Feb v.3 n.2 62Interview with Timothy Leary, who has teamed up with the softwarecompany called XOR.
Future Computing,prediction,software,future,forecast K. Cook PC NEWS- "In Computer Retailing, Bad Goes With Beautiful" PC Mag 84/02b Feb v.3 n.3 33Predictions made by Future Computing, Inc. concerning the outlookfor software sales (increasing 41% per year).
insect,disk,bug PC NEWS - "Disk of Horrors" PC Mag 84/02b Feb v.3 n.3 35Short story about an experience whereby an insect got smashed on the hub ring of a diskette.
IBM,pirate,law,legal,protection,Hong Kong,copyright,trademark M. Porter PC NEWS - "PC Clone Fight - Maybe" PC Mag 84/02b Feb v.3 n.3 39Story about how IBM is beefing up its effort to protect against piracy and PC lookalikes. They are suing a Hong Kong micro manu-facturer for copyright infringement.
IBM,Victor 9000,ACT Sirius,UK,Great Britain,market PC NEWS - "IBM Isn't King in UK PC Market" PC Mag 84/02b Feb v.3 n.3 41IBM is number 2 in the UK, preceded by the ACT Sirius Computer (Britain's version of the Victor 9000).
Apple,Franklin,law,legal,copyright,decision E. Bibb PC NEWS - "Apple Wins Copyright Fight" PC Mag 84/02b Feb v.3 n.3 49Story about the case of Apple vs. Franklin.
TDK,disk,promotional,PR,Softwaire Centre PC NEWS - "How Much Is That Floppy In The Window?" PC Mag 84/02b Feb v.3 n.3 52As a promotional, a sales manager of TDK diskettes put an IBM PC in the window of a Softwaire Centre and ran a program to read/ write a diskette until it failed.
Apple Cluster Controller,LisaTerminal,DEC VT100,IBM,emulation C. Winkler PC NEWS - "Apple Gives Lisa Big Business Link" PC Mag 84/02b Feb v.3 n.3 55Description of new software and hardware that allows the Lisa computer to emulate IBM and Digital terminals.
Dun & Bradstreet,DunsVoice,synthesizer,sound,credit,announcement L. Baker and N. Sakowski PC NEWS - "Hello, Big Sister" PC Mag 84/02b Feb v.3 n.3 57Dun & Bradstreet, the company that has a credit rating service, has announced DunsVoice---a voice synthesizer.
Applied MicroSystems,PC-PROFS,icon,office C. Winkler PC NEWS - "Firm Puts Pictures in PROFS for PC" PC Mag 84/02b Feb v.3 n.3 57Applied MicroSystems has introduced PC-PROFS, a friendly inter- face to IBM's Professional Office System (PROFS) that runs on theIBM PC and XT. It uses "icons" (pictures of notepads, etc.).
interview,Kazuhiko Nishi,Microsoft,ASCII Corp.,magazine,Japan K. Burton PC NEWS - "People in the News: Kazuhiko Nishi" PC Mag 84/02b Feb v.3 n.3 60Interview with Kazuhiko Nishi, vice president for new technolo- gies at Microsoft and president of ASCII Corporation (which pub- lishes Japan's most popular microcomputing magazine).
RB Robot Corp.,telephone PC NEWS - "Be Glad It Didn't Happen To Alexander" PC Mag 84/02b Feb v.3 n.3 62Short story describing and attempt by RB Robot Corporation to create a so-called "transcontinental" phone conversation between two robots.
Computer Electronics Show,CES,IBM PCjr,education,business,market K. Cook PC NEWS - "Jr. Sneaks PC into Home" PC Mag 84/03a Mar v.3 n.4 35Overview of the Computer Electronics Show (CES) held in Las Vegas, and the hope by many developers that the IBM PCjr will create big markets for educational and business software.
IBM,UNIX,32-bit,future,forecast C. Winkler PC NEWS - "IBM Sailing towards Unix for Next PC" PC Mag 84/03a Mar v.3 n.4 35Discussion concerning the next IBM computer---a 32-bit UNIX machine?
Personal Computer Products,Timex,Sinclair,cassette,service PC NEWS - "Timex Eager Beavers, Help Is on Way" PC Mag 84/03a Mar v.3 n.4 36Personal Computer Products offers a service to Timex 1000 users: send them your Tmex/Sinclair cassette tapes and they will send back files on diskettes that can run on your IBM PC.
Xante,XPS,disk,cartridge,manual,copy,reproduction,review J. Langdell PC NEWS - "Xante: Software While-U-Wait" PC Mag 84/03a Mar v.3 n.4 37Review of the Xante Production Station (XPS), which lets stores generate programs on diskettes and cartridges, prints manuals andlabels, and records the transaction for payment to the publisher.
Jack 2,Business Solutions,contest,promotional,PR C. Winkler PC NEWS - "Jack 2 Plays Off Its Competition" PC Mag 84/03a Mar v.3 n.4 41Business Solutions, Inc. plans a contest to pit its new Jack 2 integrated software package against the competition.
National Lampoon,magazine,humor,Chaplin,Hitler K. Cook PC NEWS - "Lampoon Does IBM Double Take, Turns Little Tramp......PC Mag 84/03a Mar v.3 n.4 Great Dictator". Story about an ad mimicking IBM in the January issue of National Lampoon magazine (Charlie Chaplin is depicted as Adolf Hitler).
Visi On,VisiCorp,integrate,review J. Langdell PC NEWS - "Visi On...and ON...and On...and" PC Mag 84/03a Mar v.3 n.4 51Review of Visi On (by VisiCorp), an integrated software package.
IBM Gallery of Science and Art,museum,photo PC NEWS - "IBM's New Display Format for Fine Art" PC Mag 84/03a Mar v.3 n.4 54Short story about two new presentations at the IBM Gallery of Science and Art.
Apple,Macintosh PC NEWS - "No MS-DOS Tartan For Macintosh" PC Mag 84/03a Mar v.3 n.4 57Overview of the new Apple Macintosh computer.
MultiMate,word processor,SoftWord Systems,review I. Garvey PC NEWS-"MultiMate Word Processor Slows Down in New Version 3.20"PC Mag 84/03a Mar v.3 n.4 59Review of MultiMate, Version 3.20 (by SoftWord Systems).
Ultima Thule climbing expedition,Columbia,portable,Mt. Everest C. Winkler PC NEWS - "Portable PC's Peak Performance" PC Mag 84/03a Mar v.3 n.4 60Story about members of the Ultima Thule climbing expedition taking a portable Columbia computer with them as they climb Mt. Everest.
Software Publishing,pfs:Access,communication PC NEWS - "pfs: Family Grows Into Communications" PC Mag 84/03a Mar v.3 n.4 62Software Publishing Corporation has expanded its product line by adding pfs:Access, a communications package with one-button log- on to public databases and electronic mail networks.
interview,Greg Slyngstad,Microsoft,CompuServe,IBM PC SIG,bug K. Cook PC NEWS - "People in the News: Greg Slyngstad" PC Mag 84/03a Mar v.3 n.4 64Interview with Greg Slyngstad, who is Microsoft's special pro- jects coordinator---he dials into the IBM PC SIG on CompuServe to look for questions (e.g., bugs) about Microsoft's products.
Tandy,Model 2000,Radio Shack,image,upgrade,PR PC NEWS - "Tandy's Executive $11 Crystal Ball" PC Mag 84/03b Mar v.3 n.5 55Tandy is selectively cleaning out the name "shack" from its products in order to "upgrade" its image....starting with the Model 2000 computer.
compatible,review,invitation B. Krasnoff PC NEWS - "No Matter Who's Invited, Some Will Turn Out To........PC Mag 84/03b Mar v.3 n.5 57.....Be Incompatible". PC Magazine invited 31 manufacturers of PC-compatible computers to submit their products for compara- tive review.
help,Q&A,Freeport 232,printer,RS232,bidirectional,text LETTERS TO PC PC Mag 84/03b Mar v.3 n.5 77Device called Freeport 232 solves problem of printing transmittedtext (supplies a second, bidirectional RS232 port to any terminalincluding the IBM PC).
communication,redundancy checking,tutorial,insert H. A. Karten "A Communications Checkup" PC Mag 84/03b Mar v.3 n.5 168Insert in "Packet Switching Puts You In Touch" by author, this short article describes the communications technique known as "redundancy checking".
Ramada Inns,hotel,motel,company,interview,insert F. Vaughan "Innkeeper's Helper" PC Mag 84/03b Mar v.3 n.5 294Insert in "Checking Inns With The PC" by author, this short article describes how Ramada Inns uses 20 additional PCs in its Phoenix headquarters for non-reservation functions.